Friday, April 30, 2004

Fight Club - "I Want To Have Your Abortion"

So, in reading NRO, the writers are still misunderstanding the abortion issue. Ponnuru and Solenni both write from a pro-life aspect, and their main observance is that there are not that many, if any, women who are proud to have had abortions.

This majorly confuses the issue. Promotion legal abortions is not endorsing people to go out and have abortions. Its not saying "you're not cool unless you've had one yourself." The name of the sect isn't pro-abortion but pro-choice. Being pro-choice is trying to prevent injury and harm from illegal abortion. Abortions, legal or not, will always be present. If they're legal, hopefully we can have these women have abortions in clean sterilized clinics with trained professionals doing it. If they're illegal, the methods for abortion can go from doctors performing them illegally on clean grounds to back alley actions to coat hangers in the bathroom.

Yes, I played the coat hanger card, namely because it isn't a card. When I went to UofM pre-student camp, one of my counselors had us play a political game, and I was the only one who was extremely firm in being pro choice. She was from Africa or South America, and went to a private school. She said there were somewhat regular occurances of seeing lots of blood on the floor, and every now and then a coat hanger abortion would go wrong. But, it was because having an abortion was illegal in that country and it would bring shame upon the family.

I have read where coat hanger abortions lead to permanent damage or death. And, since we'd be losing the unborn child anyways, why do we have to lose two people? (God, that almost sounds human) If they become crippled, they may become a burden on society. And, that is what being pro-choice is about. It isn't about being happy that people can get abortions. It isn't about reveling in the mistakes young women (and their boyfriends, the women don't deserve all the blame) make. It isn't about killing innocent kids. It is, at least to me, about preventing senseless preventable injury and death as a leading result of stupidity.

So, if abortions became illegal, then the pro-lifers would be right. The number of women regretting their abortions would go down...because they'd be dead.


Thanks to [info]iadork4life, I finally got to see clips from the 60 Minutes II show. Well, not clips so much as images. Here's a link to somebody's journal entry with them.

The moral debate is, should we really hold our soldiers to such high standards where they don't have bars, clubs, or anything else to go blow off steam that they can't do anything remotely fun? I mean, these soldiers are over there for months without any sort of element of fun, what do you expect? Especially when the brethren of the poor tortured soldiers (and probably the tortured soldiers themselves) have brutally tortured and murdered the fellow soldiers of the torturers.

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Army Abuse

So, I was on the hunt for pictures from 60 Minutes II of the army abusing soldiers. And, I come across a tale from last year of british soldiers abusing Iraqi POWs. I haven't found any pictures of abuse yet (even Al-Jazeera didn't have any that I found), but I found a 3D representation of the British abuse:

Is it just me, or is it sick that somebody took the time to do that?

Wednesday, April 28, 2004


So, this Easter I didn't see too many dark color bunnies. There were alot of milk chocolate bunnies, and a fair amount of white chocolate bunnies, but not too many dark color bunnies. Could this be because the chocolate makers are scared of the darker bunnies? Are they scared the darker skinned bunnies are going to pull out easter egg grenades and have a riot in a white neighborhood? Maybe all of the dark chocolate bunnies were arrested. Is this racial profiling? How about chocolate profiling? Are these poor dark chocolate bunnies imprisioned for no apparent reason except their chocolatey goodness and the color of their milk?

Embrace your dark chocolate bunnies from da hood. They need as much love as you can give them while biting off their ears.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Dem Dems

With all the backlash against Bush, Kerry doesn't provide any semblance of competition. I hate democrats as much as republicans. They're all just generally a despisable group. Is it any wonder why people don't vote?

Note: I am in rare mood today. I'm feeling pissy and snarky. Some bitch was waiting to use the copier, and looming over me, as I was refilling it (4 reams for that building), and all I could think was "fuck you you peace-loving hippy bitch." As well as other just plain aggressive mean things to other people (old fuck, etc). Watch out.

More on Taxes

So, as I, a shit poor minority, did not recieve a tax cut, I feel I am entitled to be pissed off at Bush for his reckless spending.

Yesterday, on MSNBC, CNN, or Fox (whatever was on at the time) I heard a commentator say that Bush is going to have to ask for more money from congress. They were going to wait until after the elections, but the funding is just running dry. I'm sorry but:



The issue here is that Bush put us there, and we have to finish the job. There is no real way out of this situation that I can tell. FUCK YOU BUSH.

Though, I think we should pull the troops out, because they want us out. And, not give them money.

Monday, April 26, 2004


So, looking at the new Bush tax cuts. Here is how they stand:

I recieved no tax cut.

Thursday, April 22, 2004


I swear, fame has a weird way of being random, especially in death. The latest news is somebody died in Iraq. OOO. The difference is this is Pat Tillman. Most of my friends are right now scratching their heads and saying, WHO? He was a footballer who had a multi-million dollar deal with some NFL team, but joined the army instead. So, of the thousands of people who died, we have one who gets news headlines, or at least CNN headlines.

Also, is the website currently posting many many photos of coffins draped in American Flags. I think something like 315 coffins. The government is trying to restrict the usage of these photos on the issue of sensitivity of families. I checked out the site, and nobody's name was seen in the photos. So, a bunch of anonymous coffins are sensitive to the families. Anyways, I went expecting corpse photos, but no. Just coffins.

And, maybe its just me, but I'm scared that they'll bring back the draft. But, I can definately play the gay card. If I can suck cock for money, I can do it to save my life, I imagine.

If Bush Had Been Right

30 Seconds on Iraq.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Happy Anniversary

5 years ago today, two boys went into a Colorado school and never came out. They unwittingly created a divide on how schools should react to their students, as well as setting a new standard for revenge (which hasn't really been met yet).

So, where are we now? National Review did an article praising the limitations of release which schools have reactively applied to their students. This, to me, is a hilarious concept.

Lets think about this, a student who has been socially stigmatized and oppressed by his peers without sufficient authoritative retribution is punished for creating his own vengence on paper rather than in life. With this unjust punishment, the student develops a general distrust and hatred towards authority, which will probably last for the majority of his life. But, this "helps" the student? Or are we just trying to protect the attackers (who incidentally are generally either really rich or really poor). If you think the people who misguidedly believe that such a lockdown on teenage angst release are trying to protect the really poor bullies, think again.

What we need is some sort of examination about how many students had written aggressive violent over-the-top revenge stories on their peers and went postal compared to how many actually were helped by such a release. Of course, the trend for specific names was never acquired by this writer, I will say that I used be an extremely violent writer. And, in today's society, I would have been punished for it. But, i never shot anybody in real life, though they deserved it.

And, if a student complains to authorities they should react, because most of the picked on will endure quite diligently without becoming a "rat." The authorities (in this case, a teacher or principal) also need to watch their students and make sure that the bullies are punished as equally as the picked on.

And, fuck the idea that you get punished for vicarious revenge.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Bush Is An Idiot

I want to play a Bush press conference drinking game (the idea found on [info]nakednerd's friends list).

"I'm open to suggestions."

"I don't plan on losing my job"

"Can you ever win the war on terror? Of course you can." (it is to laugh)

"Those who yell will not be asked."

Its shocking when I'm impressed by Rice's testimony more than Bush's, and she even played the race card. Of course, Bush doesn't have it.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

The choices are like choosing between having an arm or a leg amputated

So, here's a fifth choice: FIFTH?!

The first four are:
George W. Bush - Incumbant
John Kerry - Primary Challenger
Ralph Nader - Resident cool/nutjob
Lyndon LaRouche - Cultist/nutjob/conspiracy theorist

And, now, number five:

Michael Badnarik - Libertarian, sane in his insanity (vice versa?)

We here at Pointedly_Anon (well, I) fully back Michael Badnarik because he seems to represent a bit more moderate side of the libertarian party (which is what we need). The libertarians (in their extremist senses) are a bit crazy, but Badnarik has some interesting ideas he is putting forth.

Vote Badnarik in 2004, and stop with the two party system.

[ed's note: This website formerly endorsed Lyndon LaRouche as a great candidate as a contrast to the relative sanity of the primary two candidaes. We are pulling our endorsement from LaRouche and giving it to Badnarik due to Badnarik's solid policies on reducing government. Sadly, the editors also choose to remind our voters that even if a libertarian president does win, libertarian congressmen are also needed in order to pass bills through and have policies change.]]

Monday, April 12, 2004

Condi Rice, the Oppressed Bitch

So far, my favorite line, "When our founding fathers said, "We the people," they weren't talking about me." Let me just say, WOW!!! In one smooth line, she played the race card, perverted the whole mentality of her message, AND, played on the fears of liberal America. Its a good thing some of us are cynical enough to dismiss her bullshit.

Though she does have some awesome quick shuffling. Like the line mentioned in The Daily Show, which I just read, "Did you tell the president, at any time prior to August 6th, of the existence of al-Quaida cells in the United States." Now, anybody would think this is a simply yes or no question, even though there were other issues brought up though no other questions were asked of her. Her response was lengthy, followed by "I don't really recall."

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Smart Bush

So, Bush finally did something right. He released the August 6, 2001 memo. Its one of the first steps that I actually 100% wholeheartedly approve of that doesn't completely hurt their position. Thankfully, somebody in that administration had some sense in releasing this document.

To read the full text of the memo, MSNBC has put it on their website.

Though the media (and both liberal and conservative pundits) have turned the commission into the blame game, this is still filling out to be a how to prevent it from happening again type commission. And, THAT is the reason we need Bush and Cheney to testify individually publicly and under oath. We need to evaluate how everything settled on their side, and how everything was viewed.

And, I'm still reading through Rice's testimony, since I didn't get to see all of it. Let me say, "what a bitch." Though, it would have helped her testimony to declassify the document, as well as all other documents in question (with some small recinded sections as in the Aug 6 memo), so we the people who pay her fucking salary can evaluate for ourselves where the fucking information chain broke down. Or, if it did at all.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Unabashedly Stolen

Best. Easter Celebration. Ever

A bunny gets whipped, and its a news item. I want to be there.


I turn on Rice's testimony, and she immediately looks like one of those girls on Judge Judy who is on the verge of breaking down and crying. She's almost hysterical in her defense. I think the lady doth protest too much.


Nader is at it again. This time he is calling for Bush to get impeached. I think he jut wants press, though I would like to see Bush get impeached for secrecy and lies.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

War and Peace

I survived non-violence today. I had to videotape some annual event on "A season for non-violence," which was this awards ceremony for peace promoters. It started off good with a weepy speaker who had adopted an abused child from China. She was a bleeding-heart liberal, almost communist, who refused to have any mention of the war in her house in front of her children. He daughter then saw images of Iraq with children, and hated the war because of the inclusion of children. (This would be my mother's argument as well, I imagine) goes downhill.

We are "treated" to a cat-howling rendition of some Bengalese song which Gandhi said was his favorite. Sung in its original language. By Americans, with one native Indian/Hindi. It was horrible.

Then, there was some bitch who won the best essay award. I call her a bitch because I don't believe she believed what she was writing. She also accosted me before it started asking if I knew if there were any photographers. You'd think that this was a major event with a good essay, right? Wrong. The first thing she does is break up crying, probably because she doesn't deserve the award and she knows it. Eventually she contains herself, and reads her essay with much more weeping involved. First, she goes on about how the war stems only from cultural differences. She continues with some nonsensical arguments, and ends on a semi-joke by saying that "a buddy of mine in the COnspiracy Theory chatroom said 'Bush says were fighting against evil. Bin Laden says were fighting against evil. They're on the same side.'" Which to me was laughable. Then, she continues on how love conquors all, and gives an example of how some 4-year-old victim of a violent household was calmed when a 4-year-old girl had compassion for him, gave him massages and put her head in his lap. The bitch then quoted Spike Lee, saying "everybody is a little racist" and then John Lennon's Imagine. She then went on with more props used for sorting the difference between what goes into peace and what goes into war. In all, the essay was very banal and shitty. 4 people (including myself) were barely containing their laughter.

This all finished up with more awards, including to A Better Tomorrow. Some guy said that non-violence uprisings conquored dictators in all of the old U.S.S.R. states (like Georgia) except for one (which I can't remember).

After this, I check my LJ to find [info]nakednerd has posted about how his bf and another friend are getting into it about how deserters should be treated humanely. Of course, this raised my ire, and I disagree with him 100%. Even given that I still am not completely convinced the war in Iraq was necessary, I still believe deserters should be jailed and sued.

An Example of Horrible Logic and Flawed Axioms

I have never bought nor read a book by Orson Scott Card. He wrote this essay on why homosexuals should not be married. It is flawed, illogical, and downright mean. I will never buy nor read a single word by Orson Scott Card, nor will I see a movie based on his movie. Ender's Game be damned, the author is an asshole.

( on Fairness and Families )

Were you able to find the flaws? I hope so, there will be a quiz. Answers will be revealed sometime later.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Favorite News Item of the Day

A Priest gets probation not for sex. In a shocking turn of events, a priest is arrested, and it has nothing to do with young boys. This time, a Roman Catholic priest is arrested, and given probation, for growing pot in the church. I'd say, now you can use "well, I'm only doing by example," except that would include pedophelia. Which would make certain people I know happy. Just Kidding.

More on Why I'm not a Conservative

Does this really ring as honest or true to anybody?

Re: outsourcing

The benefits to the U.S. economy are obvious: prices move lower for consumers and profits rise for corporations. As for U.S. workers displaced by outsourcing, they are — once displaced — able to move to other more-productive, higher value-added activities.

Take the former rust belt where the complaints about outsourcing are the loudest. Data shows that Ohio has imported 242,000 jobs, Indiana 163,000, and Michigan 244,000. Outsourcing isn’t a symptom of America’s decline. (the fault here is how many jobs have we lost due to outsourcing is not acknowledged nor the location of the new jobs)

The benefits of outsourcing — lower prices and higher profits — are spread out among shareholders and consumers.

HA!! Who is an out-of-work consumer?

My stomach churns with this type of tripe.

Common Sense Mach 2

I am reading Thomas Paine's Common Sense. I have developed some sort of odd reasoning that Paine might be rolling in his grave right now.

So, in reading the first section of Paine's Common Sense -- Of the Origin and Design of Government in General, with concise remarks on the English Constitution (pp 17-46) -- I have discovered many parallels of Paine's criticisms of English semi-monarchy to America's Republic. Of course, Paine wrote this in January/February 1776, months before the Declaration of Independence.

He first starts out by defining the origins of government, adding "but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one" A statement I whole heartedly agree with. But, we all know that he believes the English Government to be an intolerable one. He then continues to speak of how society and government in a colony starts up, and saying what a good government is, "that the more simple any thing is, the less liable it is to be disordered, and the easier repaired when disordered." This is his method of linking to criticizing the English constitution.

Paine criticizes the method of checks which the English constitution provides. Here are some lines where, if you replace England with America, and the respective sections of government, it will sound like a modern piece of writing (note: all caps are used in the document and not the editors emphasis):

But, the constitution of England is so exceedingly complex, that the nation may suffer for years together without being able to discover in which part the fault lies, some will say in one and some will say in another, and every political physicial will advise a different medicine.

To say that the constitution of England is a UNION of three powers reciprocally CHECKING each other is farcical, either the words have no meaning, or they are flat contradictions.

But as the same constitution which gives the commons a power to check the king by withholding the supplies, gives afterwards the king a power to check the commons, by empowering him to reject their other bills, it then supposes that the king is wiser than those whom it has already supposed to be wiser than him. A mere absurdity!

There is something exceedingly ridiculous in the composition of monarchy; it first excludes a man from the means of information, yet empowers him to act in cases where the highest judgement is required.

HOW CAME THE KING BY A POWER WHICH THE PEOPLE ARE AFRIAD TO TRUST, AND ALWAYS OBLIGED TO CHECK? Such a power could not be the gift of a wise people, neither can any power, WHICH NEEDS CHECKING, be from God.


Right now, to me it seems that the only difference between us and England is that we had a judicial branch instead of the branch of peers, and that we elect our president instead of having hereditary secession.

Monday, April 05, 2004

A Smattering of News

Television + infants = Bad. So, yet another group has released a study saying that for every hour of television a preschooler watches per day, their chance of ADD is increased by 10%. I remember reading somewhere (it is now buried under many links for the new story) where a study showed a weird form of misdiagnosed ADD. The kids would be able to concentrate for 12 or 15 minutes at a time. They found out it was around the time that Sesame Street had between commercials. So, sadly, I agree. Television is a bad influence on babies.

Polls have been popular with the conservatives who like Bush, saying that his approval rating is up. But, Pew Research's latest Bush poll says people don't approve. His ratings are slipping. I still lament for a country where we're stuck between a rock and a hard place (Bush and Kerry).

And, in opinions, I don't know why I occasionally read Front Page when the ultra-conservative tripe which they churn out eclipses most of the ultra-liberal tripe I read. Take, for instance, this line: homosexual rights, women's liberation, and assorted other faddish causes. Hrm. Out of context it is reduced to conservative brain-washing. In context, Later Political Correctness Haggadahs were devoted to homosexual rights, women's liberation, and assorted other faddish causes, not least of which was Palestinian "liberation" probably makes no different of a context.

I'm going to run for President when I get old.

I See Straight People

I don't understand the attraction of watching baseball on television. The guys at work have it on right now, and the droning hum of the announcers occasionally interrupting the silence is putting me to sleep as it is. I guess it holds the same attraction as golf on television: a sleeping aid. I mean, it is the longest slowest game ever invented if you are the watchers. I would much rather watch any other sport. ANY OTHER SPORT! This includes curling, bridge, and spelling bees (hey, they're on ESPN).

Ugh, I'm so sleepy. I guess I'll continue reading Meditations, and this Guardian article which Phil linked to on curing homosexuals.

With my favorite line being:
Gay couplings are characteristically brief and very volatile, with much fighting, arguing, making up again, and continual disappointments. We owe it to young people to tell them that, if they go in that direction, these are the things they will encounter.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Best. Pictures. Ever.

Pictures of suicide bombers. After they are blown up.

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