Thursday, April 22, 2004


I swear, fame has a weird way of being random, especially in death. The latest news is somebody died in Iraq. OOO. The difference is this is Pat Tillman. Most of my friends are right now scratching their heads and saying, WHO? He was a footballer who had a multi-million dollar deal with some NFL team, but joined the army instead. So, of the thousands of people who died, we have one who gets news headlines, or at least CNN headlines.

Also, is the website currently posting many many photos of coffins draped in American Flags. I think something like 315 coffins. The government is trying to restrict the usage of these photos on the issue of sensitivity of families. I checked out the site, and nobody's name was seen in the photos. So, a bunch of anonymous coffins are sensitive to the families. Anyways, I went expecting corpse photos, but no. Just coffins.

And, maybe its just me, but I'm scared that they'll bring back the draft. But, I can definately play the gay card. If I can suck cock for money, I can do it to save my life, I imagine.

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