Sunday, April 11, 2004

Smart Bush

So, Bush finally did something right. He released the August 6, 2001 memo. Its one of the first steps that I actually 100% wholeheartedly approve of that doesn't completely hurt their position. Thankfully, somebody in that administration had some sense in releasing this document.

To read the full text of the memo, MSNBC has put it on their website.

Though the media (and both liberal and conservative pundits) have turned the commission into the blame game, this is still filling out to be a how to prevent it from happening again type commission. And, THAT is the reason we need Bush and Cheney to testify individually publicly and under oath. We need to evaluate how everything settled on their side, and how everything was viewed.

And, I'm still reading through Rice's testimony, since I didn't get to see all of it. Let me say, "what a bitch." Though, it would have helped her testimony to declassify the document, as well as all other documents in question (with some small recinded sections as in the Aug 6 memo), so we the people who pay her fucking salary can evaluate for ourselves where the fucking information chain broke down. Or, if it did at all.

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