Tuesday, April 13, 2004

The choices are like choosing between having an arm or a leg amputated

So, here's a fifth choice: FIFTH?!

The first four are:
George W. Bush - Incumbant
John Kerry - Primary Challenger
Ralph Nader - Resident cool/nutjob
Lyndon LaRouche - Cultist/nutjob/conspiracy theorist

And, now, number five:

Michael Badnarik - Libertarian, sane in his insanity (vice versa?)

We here at Pointedly_Anon (well, I) fully back Michael Badnarik because he seems to represent a bit more moderate side of the libertarian party (which is what we need). The libertarians (in their extremist senses) are a bit crazy, but Badnarik has some interesting ideas he is putting forth.

Vote Badnarik in 2004, and stop with the two party system.

[ed's note: This website formerly endorsed Lyndon LaRouche as a great candidate as a contrast to the relative sanity of the primary two candidaes. We are pulling our endorsement from LaRouche and giving it to Badnarik due to Badnarik's solid policies on reducing government. Sadly, the editors also choose to remind our voters that even if a libertarian president does win, libertarian congressmen are also needed in order to pass bills through and have policies change.]]

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