Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Strangely Political

Listening to AM 1400 is a funny funny thing. Sometimes its informative too. Here's some things I learned on that station:

1) Christians want to convert everybody to save them from the firey pits of HELL, even fellow conservatives. Somebody told Dennis Prager that he was going to Hell for not embracing Jesus...after telling him that she (the caller) agreed with everything he said.

2) People get sidetracked easily. Several times on the station (especially on religious nut Kevin Fobbs' show), people prattle on about topics hit on the day before, or even the week before.

3) Conservatives believe illegal aliens should be tagged. Some even belief that legal aliens should be tagged. By tagged, we mean implanting a chip inside the person's skin. Of course, this would mean we would have had to tag current cabinet head of Economics, but that's besides the point.

4) Christians are starting to perform Bar Mitzvahs. Oy Vey. This reminds me of the Jews For Jesus counter-trend.

5) People inevitably sound like the things they criticize. On Kevin Fobbs' show, he was criticizing Hollywood's anti-religious humor, and displayed SNL's skit of Leviticus. He ended up sounding like Leviticus.

6) Religious people want tolerance for their religion, but hate anybody who is atheist, agnostic, or UnGodly. They want to say prayers in schools and at work, but hate anybody who thinks that there is no God.

7) Inauguration day is all about healing. (see below)

8) Gays really are second class citizens.


On that note, I should bring up the Supreme Court's latest ruling. For those of you too busy to follow, the Supreme Court recently upheld a 1977 Florida law which prevents homosexual couples from adopting children.

The facts:
In 1977, Florida banned homosexuals from adopting children. You had to be straight in order to adopt children, and generally married. In 2003, they passe a law allowing single people to adopt children. However, Florida allows homosexuals to be foster parents, which means they can raise the kids, they just can't legally adopt them. Several foster parents, and other needy homosexual couples looking for rugrats to fill their sad lonely little lives, have sued to have the law taken off the books, so they can adopt their children. Today, January 11, 2005, the federal supreme court ruled that the best family is the classic nuclear relation of a mother and a father.

The positives:
On the one hand, this has become a cementing factor in the federal vs. state line. Federal law has generally left family issues such as marriage, adoption, and so on to the states. When gay marriage, and the amendment to the federal constitution to ban it, were in the spotlight, one of the hot issues was that it changed the weight from the state to the federal. Since there is speculation on this being a hot button issue in congress soon, the upholding of state law may be a key argument against the need for a national ban.

The negatives:
Well, gay rights have lost again. But, this is in both the state and federal arena. And, it isn't for the children since one of the couples suing was named Foster Parents of the year for taking in several children infected with HIV. This isn't for the family values, since single people can adopt as well. This is all about Florida coming down on gay people, and another dignity taken away. While I congratulate the federal supreme court in their decision, I condemn the Florida supreme court (through whom the case had to have gone) for not cancelling the law.


In other news, People are protesting George Bush's inauguration on Thursday, January 20, 2005. How? By not buying anything for 24 hours. The protect is called Not One Damn Dime, and they hope people will not buy anything for 24 hours in protest to the war in Iraq, and the re-election of George Bush. Go Blue!

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