Sunday, November 07, 2004

Not so stunning facts

According to CNN

20% of Bush's voters go to church more than weekly. 11.7% of Kerry's do.

29.6% of Bush's go weekly. 22.2% of Kerry's do.

13.7% of Bush's make it monthly, 14.3% of Kerry's do.

24.7% of Bush's go a few times a year, 31.5 of Kerry's do.

10.5% of Bush's never go. 19.4% of Kerry's never do.

49.6% of Bush's voters go to church weekly or more. 33.9% of Kerry's voters do the same.


88.1% of Bush's voters are Catholic or Protestant. 71.4% of Kerry's voters are Catholic or Protestant.


And this probably doesn't include too much good information from the rural states.

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