Impeaching Bush
Well, its 2:30, and there still isn't a decisive winner yet. Florida still is working its way through absentee ballots, though nothing short of a miracle will get Kerry's victory. Ohio has been declared about an hour and a half ago, given to Bush. This puts Bush at 269 out of the 270 electoral votes necessary, with the three last remaining states coming into play being Iowa, Hawaii, and New Mexico.
Here's where things get hairy, though. Ohio has been predicted to be the legal battleground state for recounts and various other elements of voter fraud. Florida has a notorious history of strange voting records (see 2000 election). But, there is still the hypothetical situation that Kerry could pull the rest of the states (MI [def], WI [def], HI[def], MN [def], IA[slim], NM [slim], and NV[very very bleak]), though I doubt it.
Not to sound like a sore loser (oh, wait, my candidate didn't even get 1% of the vote...fucking morons), but its time we get Bush to start being honest with us. Let's impeach the fucker. I want everybody to write to their Representative, write to your Senator. Start a judiciary committee on Medicare.
Yes, folks, Medicare might be the key to our success. Many conservatives are genuinely pissed off that Bush lied about the cost of Medicare, and they might be sympathetic to the plight posed by democrats. Deroy Murdock in National Review wrote about the illegality of what might have happened to get Medicare voted in. Medicare was known to probably cost around $600 billion, while it was voted on at $400 billion. But, what was best was that many of the people working for the administration came out as being forced into keeping quiet about the real cost. Murdock lists 5 laws broken.
Send this out to everybody. Let's get the impeachment trials started now.