Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Scylla and Charybdis

Given the extreme waffling in the electoral college polls, I have discovered that you can't trust any of them. However, Michigan is supposedly a strong Kerry supporter now, though Kerry is losing over all. One of the reasons is that The Detroit News, one of the conservative papers, has pulled its endorsement for President.

Yes, the Republicans are finally going against Bush in a conservative backlash against those bastard neo-cons. The big government "compassionate" (my ass) conservatives are ruining the nation, and The Detroit News has pulled its endorsement of Bush. They also are not endorsing Kerry. Some choice quotes:

The Detroit News will not lend its endorsement to a candidate who has made too many mistakes, nor to one who offers a governing philosophy that we reject.

Such bad management cannot be forgiven in a wartime president. At home, Bush has shocked us with his free-spending ways.

The president's record does not recommend him for re-election.

Thank God. Maybe we can pull some of the Republicans over to libertarians, or at least get a fiscally conservative candidate. Because, Goddammit, I will not vote for a President who does not support any of my ideals. I will not support a rock nor a hard place. I will transcend the two party system and back a candidate who I think will run the country in a better manner.

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