Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining - Judge Judy

In the most disgusting, degenerate, depraved display of a debate I have ever seen, our VP candidates have finally showed their true colors,





Cheney and Edwards were at their snarkiest, their slickest, their most intense they could probably muster. And, that Edwards won most of the pissing contests in the most bitchy ways proves to me...that Edwards is gay and closetted.

Yes, folks, John Edwards is the gayest queen ever to run for government that I have ever seen. He was catty in the cattiest sense. He was bitchy, queeny, witty, and fun...trying hard not to retract his nails. He clawed Cheney a new asshole, even when Cheney tried to go on the offensive.

Best question of the night: What will you do to promote peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Best Answer of the night: Cheney's response to Israeli Palestinian conflict: "You should look at Edward's attendance record? And, at his voting record. For that matter, look at Kerry's matter."

Cheney was not nearly as calm and collected as he should have been. He has a proclivity for getting hot and riled under pressure, and he showed that in spades. When Edwards attacked Cheney as CEO of Halliburton, Cheney became so unraveled that I saw little puffs of smoke come out of his ears.

Thats not to say that Edwards was a glowing star for the whole night. He dodged questions much easier than Cheney, but he still dodged questions. The global test question popped up, and Edwards fell into the pit, not giving a viable interpretation which made him seem snake-ish as well, which he was. By the end, Edwards must have decided he didn't want to attack anymore. Even when he was avoiding the domestic AIDS queston, he didn't attack Bush's $15 billion for its red-tape, nor any of its limitations. The sleaziest part of the night, which also came courtesy of Edwards, was the Ohio campaigning "It takes 35 people in run the election here in Cleveland." It reminded me of Stephen Tyler shouting "HEYY ST. LOUIS" (Uh, we're in Springfield)

Cheney also managed to call several of Edwards' missed facts early on, and through some portions of the first half. Some of his data also didn't apply to the question at hand, as in the case of the Cleveland question. That the national jobs have gone up doesn't address that Cleveland and Detroit and us here in the rust belt style swing states have lost millions of jobs, and haven't got many back in the "upswing." Also, he didn't address the falling average wage, which had people with high paying jobs getting jobs back that paid a fraction of what they used to make.

Cheney was also flustered and tried to shake the piss off his cock onto Edwards at the end, but failed miserably. Edwards can use his adrenaline much better than Cheney can. This, to me, tells me he'd also be better than Cheney in negotiation situations than Kerry. He can stick it to people, and without flinching. He can also win some people over as well, if he was trying to get the people in the senate.

I think Cheney lost this one by a landslide. He was crusty, rough, angry, and miserable. Edwards was angry as well, but he seemed to have fun with the debate. It was this fun that made the debate enjoyable.

Then, again, I'm not the general public.

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