Judaism is the greatest religion ever, and other ways to stay out of the government's reports
The Telegraph reports that Congress has just passed a new bil, and it is now before the President. The new bill adds discrimination against Jews to the American human rights watchdog list.
In another test of America's frayed relations with France, Russia and other allies, the US Congress has ordered the State Department to start rating governments throughout the world on their treatment of Jewish citizens.
The resulting report cards on anti-Semitism would be published in annual US surveys of human rights abuses around the world.
Maybe its just me, but this is favoritism in the highest regard. With all religious groups being discriminated against in various places all over the world (America against Muslims, Sudan against Christians and tribals, China against Buddhists and Falun Dafa practicers, the Middle East against Jews and athiests) we get to focus on one religion: Judaism. Why?
Well, first, this could be construed as yet another round of "Let's Kiss Ariel Sharon's Ass!" Protecting Jews would be sucking up to Sharon and trying to get him to like us more. Second, because Jews are still "the most victimized group in history," at least according to themselves and anybody else who believes them.
But, why is this bad? Why am I outraged? Let's look at a quote from the State Department:
A three-page State Department memorandum, leaked to The Telegraph yesterday, complained that congressional plans would throw US human rights reporting "out of balance", and "erode our credibility by being interpreted as favouritism in human rights reporting".
Besides the charges of favoritism and the way logic could easily lead to the Big Jew Conspiracy conclusion, this type of reporting does nothing for the US as an areligious being. It also is extremely biased in that it covers none of the other types of non-Judeo-Christian religions (or even a lack thereof). It is biased and pissy.
In addition to this, the favoritism (which is inherent in the bill) also leads us into more trouble with the Middle Eastern Muslim terrorist factions (and other countries), who already hate our support of Israel. It is just a lot of antagonism.
On top of this, this could also lead to more than a few countries' peoples who think this is biased to increase their anti-Semitism, thinking that the Jews think that they are so special.
This is a horrible and unnecessary bill, and I don't know how it passed Congress with major support from both sides. Oh, wait, yes I do (israel).