Thursday, September 30, 2004

The liberals and the Middle East, and the big debate!

I go to a community college, where the professors are generally cool or morons, and it also breeds the ideal liberal of all ages. More on idealism in college, and how people don't know any better.

The first lecture I was able to attend was one on Islam and modernity. It was from a lecturer at UofM who had done research in Morocco for 2 years. His aim was to talk about the similarities between Islam and America (though they are about as related as Judaism and America, but we'll leave that alone for now). He was trying to bridge the gap between Islam and the rest of the world, saying that we see each other as the "other," that victimized unit made oh so popular by feminists. He mainly interviewed college students in Morocco, some of whom had come from the countryside. He compared these religious views and everyday lifestyles to that of America.

He wasn't very good.

The third I was able to make it to was from Lawrence Pitnak, author of Seeds of Hate. He talked about the roots of terror. He kind of glossed over Israel and its influence on the Islamist sect, but then he went out of his way to call it the Zionist-Palestinian conflict. He said that between the U.S.'s support of dictatorships frienly to the US and harmful to the people and the U.S.'s support of Israel and our unnecessary invasion of Iraq, the Muslim world saw us as a major threat and did not support us. They saw us as an enemy now. One of the major thorns is still Israel though. When asked whether getting out of Israel's pants would help our cause, he said that it would, though he did comment, "I don't think we'll be stopping out support of Israel any time soon, with both Kerry and Bush competing on who likes Sharon more." He made some great comments on the "other" and how we saw each other (Arab world in Middle East vs. America). But, then, I agreed with him more than that first lecturer.

I may also get quoted in the newspaper, with the reporter guy saying, "where are you whenever I have to ask surveys? Everybody around here basically repeats what I say, only in different wordings with nothing original to add." He had asked my general opinion, and I felt it was too abbreviated.


So, while watching the debates, I decided what a good drinking game would be; Everytime Bush said something was hard work, take a drink. You'll be drunk within half an hour. EVERYTHING is hard work for the President, from training the troops to conducting the war. Bush wants to attack North Korea and Iran soooooo badly, he gets all choked up about it (probably wants to attack more than Kerry). Then, again, Kerry isn't doing himself much justice. He wants to attack N. Korea and Iran, but pretends he doesn't. Yet, he keeps attacking Bush for not attacking or talking to those countries...

The following quotes brought chortles and/or groans to my lips. I even snorted a few times.

Bushisms from the debate:

We've been training the Iraqis, and its hard work.
(as if he's doing the training himself)

Osama Bin Laden doesn't get to decide what we do for defense. The American public gets to decide what we do for our defense. I decided that...

I told her that her husband's sacrifice was noble and worthy...Everybody matters. Everybody's worth it.

I think that by speaking clearly, doing as we say, we will never have to use troops.

We will rue the day if Saddam Hussein stays in power.

[Hussein] had the capability to make weapons, and he would have made weapons.

I'm interested in working with other nations, and I do alot of it.

If Kim Jong-Il refuses to submit to our agreements, then...then...he'll be doing China a great injustice.

We've climbed the mighty mountain and now its time to go to the valley. I see the valley of peace.

Its very important to Israel
[that we fix Iraq]

Saddam Hussein would have been continually weakening if [Bush] had just gone through another round of negotiations with the other leaders
. (how many rounds do leaders need to set down their arms?)

Iran has nuclear weapons, and the world would have been more dangerous. <-----Kerry plans to attack Iran as well. We've got a backdoor draft coming...(pull up your pants! Its the democrats who want a front-end draft)

Postwar debate:

Bush sucked, Kerry sucked minorly less. knows that Bush sucked and, so, proceeded to pounce on Kerry for the lamest of things (trying to pretend to be myth/claim-busters). Check it out. :-)

Some highlights:

Kerry's claim: Former military officers support Kerry.

The Facts: The President has been endorsed by Over 250 retired flag officers
OOOOOOOO, 250. That's, like, alot of them. That's certainly representative of a great percentage, right? RIGHT?!

Kerry's claim: Air cargo is not being screened for explosives.

The facts: One hundred percent of passengers and passenger bags now being screened.

Maybe I need my ears washed out, but he said that the passengers and passenger bags were being screened, but that the cargo bays were not.

Kerry's Claim: Kerry Claim he has only one position on Iraq.

My favorite

Kerry`s Claim: President Bush Has Not Done Enough To Secure Chemical Plants.

The Facts: Kerry Has Raised More Money From Paid Lobbyists Than Any Other Senator Over the past 15 Years.


Kerry`s Claim: President Bush Is Restricting Funding For Stem Cell Research.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Fear of the Unknown

Part One was written on June 3rd before my first shroom trip, and part two was on June 4th, after the trip, while I was in Amsterdam. It was not transcribed until now. I felt that it woud be appropriate since it requires no research and I am almost too busy to read any of the major news sources.

Part One
Americans know Amsterdam for their drug reputation. Since marijuana have been all but legalized (they consider it tolerated) in Amsterdam, Americans believe that it is a country of "anything goes." This is far from the truth.

Amsterdam treats substances like America treats cigarettes. You must be 18 to enter a coffeehouse -- the places where one can buy and use pot as well as a normal energy coffeehouse -- or a headshop/smartshop: where one can just buy shrooms, pot, energy, and other mild chemicals. Amsterdam does have its limits though. LSD, Coke, and other hard drugs are illegal, as is ecstasy and ephedra (rave drugs).

I have to believe people have died from the last two, hence the banning in Amsterdam as well as America. They might have addictive properties, but the real problem is dehydration. One can die from dehydration, or other conditions, caused by/combined with these drugs. In any case, Amsertdam's take on drugs makes more sense than America's take on them.

I tend to believe biased documentaries like Grass where they report that the USA banned marijuana for political/control reasons. They were controlling the minorities and restricting their integration with the young and rebellious with the ban. That the government has repeatedly ignored studies that marijuana is safer than tobacco speaks more about our lobbyists than anything else. Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds, and other major tobacco companies fear a new product would cut into their profit margin, even if they produced it.

Perhaps it is that I grew up near, and developed in (college years) Ann Arbor, where you can smoke cheaper than you can drink (in terms of legal fines), but I am firmly pro-marijuana. Not even for just medical uses either.

Part Two
After 3 days in Amsterdam, with one shroom trip under my belt, I can safely ask, "What's the big fucking deal bitch?" Drugs like shrooms and LSD and pot are less likely to be addictive than tobacco, and way less likely to cause crime than alcohol. If most of America wasn't so scared of what they don't know, we'd be a much happier culture. I'll admit, hard drugs like heroin and cocaine, which have statistically caused intense addictions, should be illegal because they do lead to crime to get it. However, in Amsterdam, where a dose of shrooms is 12-20 Euros, and a trip lasts 4-6 hours, the drugs lead more to introspection and people standing or sitting around looking at nothing...but the drugs aren't addictive.

Ed's note
I have taken E twice since I wrote this entry. Once was for medical study, which I got paid to do it, legally. The other was in the desert which is my annual trip. I took a small dose of shrooms in the desert, but not because I needed to. Drugs aren't for everybody, but it shouldn't be a jailable crime for those who would like to try them.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Homeland homeland security drills

Michelle Malkin finds intolerance everywhere: under rocks, in barks of trees, on your toilet paper, etc. Today, Michelle Malkin visits Michigan's school system (specifically, Muskegon County) for the latest in homeland security intolerance. The drills mentioned in this article feature a non-race specific extremist group dubbed "Wackos Against Schools and Education" who demand everybody be homeschooled.

The drills include made-up kids and teachers to look like gruesome victims of bombings, and an overturned bus filled with smoke (though, they'd probably be mostly dead in the bus).

Malkin's main offense is aimed at the scenario though. Personally, I find it funny as far as ridicule goes. Its sort of like making fun of the Amish. But, in this case, its not really. The homeschool parents have taken offense with Malkin, in an extremely silly sense. The scenario is about extremists. Personally, I've never seen homeschooled students or parents go blowing up public school systems or threatening them in any way. Some snub the system (and generally their kids turn out to be socially retarded, and the kids may not recieve adaquate education because half the parents don't know enough to teach, but that's besides the point) but they're not extremists. Except for The Happy Homeschooler, I guess, since she takes offense to it.

I find it a humorous scenario. Its one that doesn't teach intolerance, is unrealistic, or anything bad. In fact, in order to create a scenario about extremists, somebody is going to be offended. Considering this scenario is beyond the scope of reality for homeschoolers, people should be happy for this inoffensive scenario.

I find it appallingly dark that The Happy Homeschooler wants an apology, and that Malkin also finds it an inappropriate situation. Malkin would rather have it aimed at Islamic terrorists, as if thats supposed to teach tolerance. Malkin also uses the logic that since the teacher's unions got mad at Rod Paige for calling them "terrorist orginizations," Muskegon (which she probably has never visited) should apologize as well. Because we all know two wrongs make a right, right? *sigh*

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

white ones and red ones, and some you can't disguise

CBS' most recent typed memos are fakes, and they're finally admitting it. Now, here's what was really in the documents (if CBS and Rather were actually creative):

George W. Bush originally had his mother write him a sick note to get out of duty. The note read, "Little Dubya is sadly too sick to serve duty today. Please excuse him from any duty until he feels better. Thanks, Barbera Bush." It was this note that prompted the missed physical.

However, Bush eventually took the physical and tested positive for massive amounts of cocaine. His blood work tested for too much protein after his little stint outside of the Guard. He denies both gay sex and cocaine dealings.

Bush's rampant gay sexual affairs also indicate why he is so adamantly against gays getting married. His homophobia is linked to his latent homosexuality, which had already surfaced in the National Guard.

Bush was ostracized by the guard after dancing around with a lampshade on his head. Many in the guard considered the Tiffany brand lampshade to be to bourgois for their tastes. He later tried again with a Persian rug from his parent's mansion, claiming to be The King of Siam, but was still snubbed. Part of the problem with this venture was the lamb whom he was determined would make the best Anna in the pornographic version of The King and I.

How to tell if your child is a) dangerous and/or b) gay

From the Free Press:

Warning signs that children may be chatting with someone you don't want them talking to online:
- Your child is hiding computer disks
- Your child spends an excessive amount of time on the Internet or is online late into the night
Your child quikly changes the computer screen when you enter the room.

Tips for parents for protecting your children from dangerous individuals online:
- Establish online rules and an agreement with your children about how they use the INternet at home and away from home.
- Monitor your children's access to electronic communications and e-mail
- Parents should be aware of who their children are chatting with online and encourage them to let them know if they meet someone who scares them
- Place your computer in an area of your home where you can easily monitor your child's internet activities

The first three warning signs were signs that I was exploring my gay side. But hiding computer disks?! Honestly, who uses floppies anymore? I used to when they were the only thing out there. Get your child a fucking pen drive for Christ's sake.

The last four are also ways to keep your child from exploring homosexuality.

Weird correlation, innit?

The report is due to the 17-year-old who was arrested because he was going to blow up Chippewa Valley High School, and was also a Nazi.

Tender Loving Weapons and alcohol

When Weapons break out, they can go either way.

Smith and Wesson had opened up a whole section called "The Crossings" in which, along with handcuffs and firearms, you can also buy pillows, tealights, and tables. Yes, Smith and Wesson has finally gone Bed, Bath and Beyond (beyond meaning guns and handcuffs).

Even better is drunken semi-automatics. Kalshnikov, maker of the famed AK-47, and its sequals, has decided to branch out into...wait for it...VODKA!!! Yes, there is nothing better than sipping vodka with your AK-47 at your side.

So, remember kiddies. Smith and Wessons are for sissies, but AK-47s are for drunks.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Geeky Idealism

Slashdot in all its infinite geekiness, posted a 15 question-long ask-the-candidate for Michael Badnarik. Come check out the radical ideas he has, and that should be implemented, at least for a change of pace. He makes some very very good points, IMO. Though, I am still supportive of the war in Iraq, though its an unwinnable war...

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Gays unite

I am so glad that the Christians are biting off their own leg, sometimes. The latest is everybody's second favorite homophobe, Jimmy Swaggert, calling for murder of gays. To be fair, he said that we need salvation, but he'd rather kill us first.

"Creepy televangelist and prostitute lover Jimmy Swaggart said in a televised broadcast that "I've never seen a man in my life I wanted to marry. And I'm gonna be blunt and plain; if one ever looks at me like that, I'm gonna kill him and tell God he died." (link to the video)

Yes, murder and decieving God is the good ol' Christian way, isn't it?


On a much more entertaining note, one guy from NYC has decided to fight back against homophobic subway preachers with showtunes!


Preacher Lady 2: “I got freedom of speech! And GOD TELLS ME THAT THE GAY DEVILS ARE CONTROLLING NEW YORK.”
Me: (standing up) “If you do not cease and desist fouling the air with homophobia, I must sing…SHOW TUNES.”

FMA is supposedly back again, under a different bill number. Those pesky Republicans keep hammering away at our homophobia. This time, it is in the House under "H.J. 56". Go to the House's way of tracking this information and type in the bill to find its location. So far, it has merely been introduced to the House, back in May, but Americans United for Separation of Church and State believe it will be voted upon in the upcoming weeks.

Losing fair and square...but its not the end

Louisiana just voted down gay marriage

Yesterday, Louisiana voted in a gay marriage ban on the ballot. 78% of the people voted for it, with 99% voting.

I have to say, we are currently losing the battle fair and square currently. But, then, since when does fair and square push civil rights anywhere? I'm sure interracial marriage would have been banned if they allowed a state by state vote on it in 1964. Yet, it was the judges who got civil rights for the blacks. Not by state or federal vote.

Then, again, maybe Bush's Amoralica (that's hick America) isn't ready for gays yet. But, would they ever be, considering their strong ties to religion and the assholes that lead the religions. Orthodox Judaism, and all forms of Christianity all seem to say "No" to gays. Some of the good-hearted Christian leaders want to commemorate the brutal murder of gays(see Fred Phelps). So, where do we go from here?

I say we attack like we did in Iraq. Just bomb the hell out of them, but then Nashville would become like Fallujah (but, then, most gays hate country music). I kid.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Exploiting your children through torture

With the Republicans not letting anybody in to their campaigns, and the democrats letting virtually everybody in, guess who is going to have more "issues" at their campaigns. Yup, you guessed it, the democrats.

The latest in rally horrors was a guy who brings his 3-year-old daughter in to the rally. In addition to the 3 year old daughter, he brings in a giant Bush-Kerry campaign sign. Apparently, a rabid democrat took the sign and broke it, shredded it, or what have you. The girl started crying, for obvious reasons, and she was on top of Daddy's head for pictures crying. And, he had to pout for the pictures too.

First of all, what guy would bring his 3-year-old daughter to a political rally? Secondly, what guy would bring his 3-year-old daughter to a political rally with which he doesn't agree? Thirdly, what guy would bring his 3-year-old daughter to a political rally with a giant sign in opposition to the purpose of the rally, the sign obviously meant to raise people's ire, to evoke emotions, etc?

Obviously a guy set out to exploit his daughter for every penny she's worth. Though, it makes for great publicity. Yet, Running Scared notes that the guy has been in the paper for three election years running. I wonder what he'll do for his fourth... Maybe bring his 2 month old and allow the kid to be stepped on, lord knows he has enough kids (check the running scared entry).

On the other hand, the democrat who did rip up the sign should be ashamed of himself. He was a jackass who should be ashamed of himself. However, the father was just as evil. "He was just trying to state his position." Puh-leese. If a democrat did it at a Republican rally...oh wait, that couldn't happen.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Arguing the case for war

Module 3: Weapons of Mass Destruction
Domestic and international intelligence sources said that there were WMDs in Iraq. These were not allowed under any circumstances. We invaded, but there were no WMDs, much to Bush's chagrin. We found some other artillary, which we tried to construe as WMDs, but they did not fit the bill (and Republicans always stick to the letter of the law) of chemical, nuclear, or biological. We claimed there were roving wagons which may have been able to be used, but we were grasping at straws.

Module 5 Strategic plan for the Middle East
Banish all thoughts and ideaologies which don't agree with our stated purpose of keeping Israel there in peace and good nature, as well as keeping our oil nice and cheap. Oooo, and don't forget, having a government with easy negotiations.

Friday, September 10, 2004

The Always Opressed

Sundance showed Trembling Before G-D, the movie documenting the struggles of homosexual Orthodox Jews between their sexuality and their religion. It made me feel more secure to know that everybody opresses somebody. Though, I still haven't discovered whom the homosexuals opress.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Dr. Bush: or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the jet

There are those who believe that the things which scare you should also be funny.

I find the government hysterical!

I'm reading The 9/11 Commission Report. The first 10 pages are completely tragic. The rest of the book (or what I have read so far) is purely comic in the most frightening sense. The direct quotes from speeches, the convolution of the red tape networks, the complete inadaquacy of anything, and the sheer child-like expectations of the government are all retardedly awesomely scarily bad. This is the funniest book of the year, just for the government bungles. Highly recommended.

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