Thursday, May 27, 2004

Culture, Politics, Religion, the works!

I just got back from seeing Life of Brian at Main Art. Yes, its like the 299384th time I've watched the movie, but it is brilliant. If you haven't seen it yet, run and rent it. It's on an old transfer DVD, as well as Criterion. (note: before you all go buy new ones, the new print still looks just as gritty and grainy as the Criterion edition does).

Anyways, the last time I actually watched the movie was back when I had taken the Kubrick class, at least (if not before that even). This was post-9/11, but not in the middle of the war. Or, maybe I just never understood the scene (which is actually entirely possible), but when the People's Front of Judea are going through the tunnels to kidnap Pilate's wife, they use the word terrorist quite a bit. And, there are alot of weird parallels to the whole American occupation of Iraq. Honestly, if you haven't watched the movie in awhile, it is now a good time to go back to it.

Because, part of the movie is about how Brian gets tangled in insurgent uprisings to get rid of the Romans, who are currently occupying the Jew's land. There is the comment, "All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?" Which completely reminds me of the liberals saying what have the Americans done for the Iraqis, besides get rid of Saddam Hussein, build schools, water, etc.

This is also noted by the political correctness of the Jewish insurgents, except for the leader..."Suppose you agree that he can't actually have babies, not having a womb, which is nobody's fault, not even the Romans', but that he can have the right to have babies." It is really weird watching the movie at this point in time. How a propos that it is coming out this year for its 25th anniversary, just after The Passion, and in this time of war in the Middle East.

I should also note that for the first time, I watched Eddie Izzard's 1999 stand-up comedy show Dress to Kill last night. For those who don't know, Izzard is a British "executive/action tranvestite" who is quite intelligent and insightful. He had some cunning remarks on everything: culture, politics, and religion. He commented on the Islamic people and how they don't go around Jihading everybody. He commented on the CoE having the basis of being for divorce. He commented on Empires, and how Britain took over India (Well, you don't have a flag, and we do. Its a rule we just made up). It's really fast paced and quite witty, I suggest people take a look at it.

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