Thursday, May 20, 2004

Idle Worship

Let me talk about Lyndon LaRouche for a minute. It was on Thursday (you can scroll down a few entries on this journal) that I was in Ann Arbor and was pulled into a discussion for Lyndon LaRouche. It was an awesome holistically political discussion that ranked from geometry to GEB (I fucking love that book) to Shakespeare to LaRouche's economic strategy.

But, since this was only from the grassroots operations of the kid, I have been slightly reading up on the guy. Mind you, I haven't delved very deeply into his politics, having too much fun being a media analyst (I wonder what one has to do to get paid to be one of those) over at (p.s. Check out my Gojira reference, its too funny). Yeah, I sound a bit cocky, fuck you all.

Anyways, I was reading up on LaRouche, so I should mention what I discovered originally.

First, there is LaRouche's Youth Movement website. It has a list of classic (read required) reading throughout history, including Riemann (Riemann sums are fun, Plato, Dante (WTF?! The work is an awesome piece of bile (having trudged through the first 6 levels of Hell), but I would never think that understanding it helps out politics in any way, shape, or form), and Homer (for the melodramatics, I a side note, I'm reading The Iliad right now, so funny). Their Classes section included everything from economics to "Suicide, sex and the preconsciousness" to "Why Modern Art Sucks."

OKOK so that's just the youth movement page. Let's check out his own shit.

First we have the Southeast Asia Doctrine, in which he says very little other than I have the solution. At times it sounds semi-similar to ideas Vic had been saying in this Anti-com post, only much much much vaguer, while at other times it sounds completely contrary. He has some awesome moments, such as "unless that statement, as crafted by me, is considered," as well as the finale of the piece. Oh yes, Larouche is no dummy, he knows how to finish off saying not much. He doesn't say very much, has a point with many sub-points (readers are likely to skim), then finishes with two sections of grandioseness. And, my favorite, the webcast event, The Keys to Peace which says absolutely nothing except what he percieves as happening to the economy, oh and that he is awesome. Which could be true, but, then, I'm not an economist.

Then, the third piece of evidence against LaRouche is National Review's condemnation of everything LaRouche and his newsletter bases their ideas on as conspiracy theories and lies. Whcih still makes me laugh a bit.

So, maybe I'll vote LaRouche because he's interesting, smart, paranoid, egomaniacal, or at least different from the other two bozos currently running. He's not looking to be dictator though...he's 85, he can't do that.

ed's note: The issue here is that, as a pervert, I naturally decided to go to the sex as psychoanalytical discussion. Over half of the mp3 is not about sex. Though, look up Larouche in The Guardian on July 12. The Speaker is using alot of different techniques which are quite commonplace in manipulators at the end. "Don't hang out with those LaRouche Guys. Listen to mommy. And that leads us into psychosexual impotence." I love these people. I love cults, because he was talking about groups like the cult awareness network, the drug MK Ultra and LSD testing, and AFF. This guy is just purely awesome. "What makes you psychosexually impotent is if you don't feel like dealing with another person's mind in a serious way."

"In front of 10,000 people he started imitating himself masturbation, he may not have been imitating, I dunno he hanged himself later...Michel Fukoh said the only honest non-fantasized sexual relationship you can have is masturbation, because then at least you know you love the person you're having sex with...Essentially what he's saying is that you take the subjective out of sex. And that's how you overcome the Freud problem of non-mediated relationship with another being. You know its fantasy, so go ahead and do it, just make sure you know its fantasy. Now the point Phil is making on the, the point Lyn has always been making on this is that the problem with people becoming leaders is dishonesty on every single level. You're telling people 'trust me, I'm telling you the truth. Give your life to this cause' And then, two minutes later, you're staring at their crotch. I'm serious. Never happens in organizing? Hm...The question of psychosexual impotence is that that's going on and you try to pretend it's not happening, meanwhile you're not organizing the person because its like you don't have another person in front of you, you have a sexual organ in front of you."

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