Wednesday, May 19, 2004

And the dud lets out gas...

I feel I have a sort of responsibility of talking about the new find of sarin gas. It seems that everything is flying over the new discovery.

For those of you who have your heads in the sand, the US military had a shell explode near them, and it had been loaded with sarin gas. They originally had said "trace ammounts of sarin gas." Even after a day or two, they still said "trace amounts of sarin gas." Recently, they have said 4 Liters of sarin gas were in the explosive. Apparently, it was one of those ones where you mix it to make it toxic.

Maybe I'm being too skeptical, but I feel that they are grasping for straws. Finding one stray shell to validate their vain continuing search for WMDs seems a bit suspicious, since they hadn't even found it if it hadn't have exploded. To me, the timing seems a bit too calculated with Bush's approval drop as well. I might even be prepped to believe there wasn't a shell since we haven't seen it yet. We aren't given evidence other than press reports that it exists. We only have the word from Bush's administration, and the fraudulent reports of WMDs surely back up his word to be true, right?

Even if it does exist, I still wouldn't lean towards UN Weapons Inspector Hans Blix when he says that it isn't evidence of stockpiling. That seems too suspect as well.

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