Friday, May 21, 2004

Election Choices

Ahhh yes, its that year again. That year where politics take a back seat to stumbling over tongues, pandering, and mudslinging. You know the year, its called election year.

This year, we have two frontrunners, George Dubya Bush (Incumbent) and John Kerry (Incumbent asshole). Our disillusioned candidates so far are Ralph Nader, and (in some cases) Lyndon LaRouche.

On the liberal side, we have irresponsible reporting from Kristin V. Jones, over at The Nation, regarding punks (starting with old-school goth dropout, and Ministry frontman, Al Jourgensen) and politics. Everything she writes is of the creepiest kind. Sure, I appreciate stuff like Punks Against Bush, and I'm even partially A.B.B. myself, but these kids know absolutely nothing about Kerry or Nader. And, while I am not for Bush, I'm not for Kerry either. These kids get signed up with cool hip shirts like, "Vote F*cker" and then vote for the president they are told to vote for, not an educated vote.

On a similar deluded note, strip clubs now have voter registration tables. Come in, sign up to vote against Bush (in Wisconsin), and get a lap dance. *shrug* Even the owners are getting into it. But, these places are straight strip joints. If they were gay strip joints, that's where I would see Bush stepping in. Dick and alcohol just don't mix, or something like that. But, I know that Bush and his cronies are probably frequent users of strip clubs (or were frequent users) especially given that the more conservative people I know generally go to strip clubs fairly freely (and in some cases regularly).

Besides all of this, we have the GOP bus doing the same types of things. But, at least the kids have a chance of hearing the president talk (unless they're kept out of the rallies).

Then, there is Ralph Nader. Nader and Kerry met this week, and Kerry isn't dissuading Nader from the trail, at least not yet (I'm waiting for another classic flip-flop). He is telling voters that their vote for Nader is a vote for Bush. But, they must not know much about the electoral process because, if Nader actually gets some electoral votes (HAH!) and Bush and Kerry still reign in, then we'd have difficulties. But, there have historically never been any three party runnings, really. Besides, Nader has been too quiet so far, though we still have 6 months.

But, still, Kerry has been doing his classic moves this week, announcing that he may elect anti-abortion judges, then flipping on the statement. I don't like Kerry one bit, and I never have. He's always seemed quite slimy.

But, then there's Bush and his administration. Let me just say, Ugh. Between the media censoring of the liberals that has been occuring under him (Farhenheit 911, Howard Stern, etc), his botching of Iraq (and his thinking they're ready to recieve power, though our war isn't finished...and don't you even think that just because we're not fighting the Iraqis that we shouldn't have control of the place until we're done), his abhorable stances on gay marriage, his view on the economy, budgets, taxes, etc...Well

And, LaRouche. I've said enough about him, look below. I'll be looking more into him though he's guilty of mind control tactics worthy of Jonestown or Manson minus the war. I love the guy for his efforts though. I wonder if everybody is as cynical about it as I am. I am getting calls from the LaRouche youth office to go to meetings and maybe I'll join the cult for awhile. It should be fun. :-)

So, there you have it. Clowns and jokers, the lot of them.

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