Wednesday, May 26, 2004

The Conservative Bias

So, I'm still having that major debate over at Anti-com on bias in the media, and when it becomes irresponsible. Well, here's something for irresponsibility:

Armed forces are given the option of silence or Rush Limbaugh. Now, honestly, is this really responsible airtime? The only good reason for this is that Liberals are against the war, while Limbaugh is for the war. I personally don't think that liberals should be aired over armed forces radio, simply because of the demoralization of our troops. I certainly don't want mindless drones there, but I don't want them to think that there is a rather large selection of Americans who are not behind them. Its hard enough being at war without having to hear that.

I propose no talk radio whatsoever. The army should supply them with news, Headline News-style, if they choose. The usage of Rush Limbaugh as a source of opinion in the nation is just like piping in a steady stream of Michael Moore, if not worse. And, conservatives would hate that idea.

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