Monday, May 24, 2004

Media Censorship

Cable television is the bastion for intelligent people who can afford it. But, some people still cannot afford cable, and must resort to the biased networks for their news source. So, what's happening tonight?

Bush is giving a speech on his plans of Iraq, which may actually make or break the election next year (unless he pulls a Kerry). The problem is that he may say something of importance and weight for the first time in ages, but the networks are not going to air the shows. Or, at least the major networks: Fox, NBC, ABC (and probably CBS) have all decided not to air tonight's speech in order to keep the public entertained and distracted by whatever mindless shit they have scheduled normally.

Is this a political move? If Fox was still airing the speech, I would say, you bet your ass it is. But, since every one of the stations have decided to keep the public mindless, its not even political It is a financially motivated move at the end of sweeps month. Fox is, however, giving the affiliates (read local carriers) the option of carrying the speech, though I am sure there is incentive to do otherwise.

Luckily Fox News, MSNBC, and the likes will be carrying the speech.

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