Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Obsess much?

OK, So I am semi-obsessed with this case, but it is mainly for entertainment purposes.


More on that Walters shooting teenage Hall case. Hall got a lawyer, who said that Walter had arranged to meet Scheida for oral sex. But, he offered money, which may constitute prostitution counts on both sides (Walters and Hall/Scheida).

Interesting quote of the article:

Halls lawyer: "If the chief thought they were going to rob him or he sensed it was getting out of hand, why didn't he arrest them? You don't shoot the guy."

Ummmmm. You don't really arrest somebody as they are attacking you with a bat, do you?

"[ow][ooof] You're [ahhhhhh] un[urg]der [aieeeeee] ar[doh!!]rest[ooof]." Imagine the difficulties of the Miranda Rights? Shite, people are weird.

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