Tuesday, May 20, 2003

You had me at "Hello, I am a Terrorist"

So, with the terrorist level being brought up to ORANGE (I still can't wait for bubble gum pink, I hate that bubble gum flavored ice cream...blech), we are also getting new reports on gun safety. My question is whatever happened to the days when you could buy truckloads of various kinds of weapons from open trunks of vehicles in da 'hood? Remember those days when you could buy an AK-47 or a fully automatic assault rifle with your pound of heroin from the local friendly drug and arms dealer (It shouldn't be alcohol, tobacco, and firearms...it should be drugs and firearms division)? Ahhhh, he's the GOOD drug dealer.

Among the warnings of the reports is that terrorists find loopholes in or gun purchase laws, as well as the gun dealer approvers don't check the terrorist watch-list. Another one is that they only have to be in the U.S. for 90 days then they can go gun and explosive wild. Stockpiling to their heart's malcontent. Of course, this all goes together with the ban on semi-automatic guns expiring this year.

On top of this, the Detroit News (whom I have never really liked in the first place) also reported vague things about a Michigan guy who was stockpiling guns for terrorists and a Seattle man who wanted to build an Al-Queda training camp in Oregon. No names or dates were stated.

The report hasn't been shown to anybody yet, so nobody has commented, but I think they're from our good ole friend John D. Ashcroft who needs a terrorist hitman just for himself. Or if not a terrorist hitman, maybe just a bout of that pesky terror...heart attacks rule. Stupid terror. You won't scare me terror *holds up fingers in sign of cross*. LOL

So, thats today's report on terror or terrorism or just plain stupidity in the news. Signing off.

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