Saturday, March 15, 2003

Have I ever said I can relate to the Latino community? No? Good. I hate most of the Latino community, ess-aye. They are loco. Of course, I am loco too. I am also a Latino, ess-aye.

Last month or the month before Vanity Fair printed a Dame Edna column, whom I generally think as funny. Dame Edna, of course, pokes fun at the upper-crust mentailty and stereotypes they believe in with satire, right? So, in this issue, she says something to the effect of "Latinos aren't smart. They only know pots and pans, not Shakespeare." or something like that (I can't find the original e-mail). For some reason the Latino community got in some sort of uproar, causing VF to print an apology from the eds. Now, come on people. Are we in such a hypersensitive P.C. time that we cannot see that a joke isn't even aimed at us?! Can we see that it is to better the Latino community by making fun of that stereotype, and the people who uphold it? I mean, FUCK, these people are retarded. Sheesh.

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