Friday, March 14, 2003

More Hippy Thoughts

My Generation is back on on Encore. I caught the beginning of it this time (I missed out on it). It is strange how commercial Woodstock 94 was. But, I remember thinking this back when I was 12. Pepsi was the major sponsor, along with Sony, nobody beats The Wiz, Continental Airlines, and other big corporations. Wow. This wasn't around in 69, there weren't big corporations trying to sell you what was cool. I'm not going to be naive and foolish and say that 69 wasn't a commercial event, it was. I will say that it wasn't a corporate event.

Was the mainstream culture jaded in 69? Were they jaded in 94? What would be the difference between the two cultures? I think that 69 had more of a sense of being a part of something huge and being able to move the world, but I could be wrong. 94 seemed to have more of a sense of here I am, and I can't do anything better really, so lets have a fucking kick-ass time.

One of the major differences in the two concerts is the perception of the audience. Woodstock 69 was not mainly populated by hippies, just as 94 wasn't populated by the subcultures. When some guy in a 60s leather-esque vest and no shirt is getting hassled because he bought the wrong type of tent (metal poles) which he just paid $200 for is given prime time on a movie intending to document the generation we belong to, you know that there is something odd.

I can't help but compare 69 and even 94 to Burning Man. Burning Man is much more of a true subculture (though one you kind of have to pay through the nose for...). Though you do pay for the land rights and the water and upkeep, etc. Burning Man is the opposite of Woodstock concerts. They encourage metal stakes (nothing weaker could punch into the hard playa), and discourage corporate sponsership. In fact all symbols of commercialism down to the Ryder logo on their trucks must be hidden and/or disguised in some fashion. Burning Man allows you to cook your own food, and you can't even buy food once you're there. Woodstocks wouldn't let you bring pots and pans, because you'll use them as a weapon. No alcohol at Woodstock. Sheesh.

Perry Farrell (Jane's Addiction, Porno For Pyros) said something to the effect of 69 is different than 94, and he isn't a big fan of it. He said "I smell money." that was his big lament on the difference between the two concerts. However, Porno For Pyros was paid $150,000 for 50 minutes of playing. Hrm...

Maybe we're in an age of hypocrisy. I dunno. But, I do know that 94's kids got into it the right way because, Henry Rollins put it best, "Hopefully, they'll be able to get past all the hype and have some fun." He's a much smarter guy than Farrell. He knows there's sponsership, but he says not to hate it, but to get around it.

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