Friday, April 11, 2003

Speaking of A-bombs, I saw Happy Birthday, Wanda June. That play was so hilarious. It was a really really good performance, IMO. Craig (writer of Different, maker of the "Man Gets Hit by Football" duo) was in it too. The play is a play about the homecoming of a war hero. Basically take "The Odyssey" and move it to the 70s. Nobody likes the war heros, sadly. Its about the differences between the peace loving present against the machismo fighting past. Of course, add a lot of Vonnegut's extremely dark and cynical humor and you get one of the best plays i have ever seen performed. It was alternately funny and sad, sometimes together. Truely a great dark comedy from a great dark comic. Really strange timing of it too, as they originally planned on making the play back in December. But, then it reminded me of how things can get funnier with fear, and how Dr. Strangelove was funnier because we were scared when I took the Kubrick class, at least according to the professor. I am not spoiling the identity of Wanda June, but suffice to say she and her cohorts, while not the main characters, are really really funny.

Also on the war front was last night's South Park (set to re-air on Sunday if you missed it). This one was on protesting. War protesters and war protest protesters get it on, and the boys have to write an assignment on what the founding fathers would say about the war and protesters. Funny outcome. Much more even-handed than Wanda June.

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