Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Great...trying to calm down still, I decided to read Granholm's speech, as I didn't go to morning commencement. Its a good thing, I would have been very pissed off.


Where the fuck does she get off calling anybody a loser? If they didn't want to do what the diploma was given for, more power to them. They are not a loser in their own eyes. FUCKING BITCH!!! Its a good thing I didn't vote for her.

Then the "heartfelt" story about the elementary kids who formed the American Flag. 1. They were given no choice...they're elemntary kids for christ's sake. Stop bullying your fucking belief system into their goddamn heads. 2. From one direction it may be right side up, but from another direction it is upside down. Hopefully at least one of the kids understood that, but i doubt it.

Goddamn, sometimes I hate America.

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