Sunday, November 23, 2003

A ban

I want to ban Asian immigrants, transfers, green carders, whatever, from getting driver's licenses. I know that this is racist, but in Ann Arbor, and even elsewhere, this is a major epidemic of danger. On Friday, in AA, there was a major queue of people stopped for a stop sign. A lady in the middle of the line went fast enough to actually crumple the hood of her compact car because she hit the SUV in front of her so hard. It takes some mad skills to accelerate that quickly in line at a stop sign. I looked over, and sure enough, it was an Asian woman.

And, everybody on North Campus knows that a good 75% of all accidents have Asian drivers, especially Asian women. And, outside of AA, I have seen horrible things a good 50% of which included Asians. They drift in lanes, go slower than the flow of traffic, do unexpected things, pull out at inappropriate times, delay too long, etc. Its really a dangerous epidemic.

I'm not trying to be racist, it can't be racist if it is true.

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