Sunday, October 12, 2003

Then, we go back to his place where I wash up and use Neosporin on my elbow, and rush out to see Michael Moore. We get there to a circus of people. We have pro-Palestine people giving trying to give Phil flyers, Borders striker people, anti-Michael Moore people (yay), pro Dennis Kucinich(sp?) flyers, this that and the other. We end up sitting in the balcony, and guess who sits near us. Yup, the ultra-conservative anti-Michael Moore people. Now, I agree with their signs "fictitious books and documentaries" "go to socialist France" etc, but their morals did not stand well with me either. They are anti-privacy type people, thus appreciating the Marriage Protection Week, saying marriage is only between a man and a woman. Yay for religious nuts.

Moore himself wasn't exactly my favorite person. He likes to ramble, and interject himself. One story he told was his Oscar night (which I had commented on his speech being the same as the IFC/Spirit awards the previous night in an earlier post, I think). He said he hadn't expected to win, thus didn't have a speech, and thus was basically condemned to give the same speech, which went over well at the extremely liberal IFC awards. They didn't go over as good at the more conservative Oscars, which we all know is constructed for mass consumption and mind control, even being so obvious as having 3 black awards in one year, but none for a long time before and not the year after.

Moore also was commenting many hypocritical statements. I wasn't a big fan of his to begin with, and I don't want him arguing for me now. His points could be quickly disproven by somebody with an ounce of conservative news knowledge. Not to mention his techniques are godawful. He is the liberal version of Ann Coulter. BOTH ARE FUCKING NUTS!!!!!!! First Moore said that he doesn't want a leader saying "I am personally against abortion, but I won't do anything to make it illegal." (Kucinich) And he also doesn't like the fact that he was pro-life until a couple of years ago. THEN, a bit later (read 5-10 minutes) he was commenting on how liberals are ready to accept switch players because we will forgive people, I believe in reference to General Clark. And that was just the major flaw I found. Some of his stories were hilarious if wrong, and Moore is nothing if not an entertainer. His chapter from God was blasphemous and wrong yet funny as hell, alienating many of the Christians and Catholics, I imagine. Comment heard behing me: "How sacreligious."

So, anyways, Moore was fun, and we ducked out around 7:40 because phil was tired, and I was tired of Moore. The questions were pretty asinine anyways. The conservatives had left during the God chapter calling Americans stupid. Sometimes I wonder if Ann Coulter has a point when she said that liberals are anti-American. First Moore says that the public is generally liberal, but they call themselves conservative, then he calls Americans stupid. *sigh*

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