Sunday, May 30, 2004

Bush, The Christian

Here's a factoid I only recently learned. President Bush wrote an executive order (he likes those) to help out faith-based organizations. Well, while church and state generally don't mix, some of them need funding. But, guess what? Bush is a Christian. And, though his policy makes no attempt to say whether it will be biased or evenly distributed among the faiths, homework dictates otherwise.

This factoid shares that the government does indeed give out $24 million dollars to Intermediary Faith Based Organizations. Who are the intermediaries? Here's a list from the same website. If you notice, there are several christian/catholic-specific charities that get money. However, there are no Jewish charities which get any money. No Muslim charities, no Buddhist charities. Only Christian charities. The closest is stuff like state or university funds for non-profits or interfaith organizations, but they never get tied up with Jewish ones either.

I have more of a problem with the anti-Semetic distribution of this than the actual giving of money, because they do do some good for the communities in which they reside. More evidence that Bush needs to be dealt with and fast.

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