Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Obsess much?

OK, So I am semi-obsessed with this case, but it is mainly for entertainment purposes.


More on that Walters shooting teenage Hall case. Hall got a lawyer, who said that Walter had arranged to meet Scheida for oral sex. But, he offered money, which may constitute prostitution counts on both sides (Walters and Hall/Scheida).

Interesting quote of the article:

Halls lawyer: "If the chief thought they were going to rob him or he sensed it was getting out of hand, why didn't he arrest them? You don't shoot the guy."

Ummmmm. You don't really arrest somebody as they are attacking you with a bat, do you?

"[ow][ooof] You're [ahhhhhh] un[urg]der [aieeeeee] ar[doh!!]rest[ooof]." Imagine the difficulties of the Miranda Rights? Shite, people are weird.

Sunday, July 27, 2003

Further Proof of Media Manipulation

Channel 4's version of the Kevin Walters attack I mentioned earlier omits any idea that he had planned to meet anybody at the elementary school. It makes one wonder, what the hell is an off-duty officer doing in an elementary school parking lot at 1:30am to get attacked.


Saturday, July 26, 2003

The Risks of Random Meetups


OK, so they didn't explain exactly what the meeting was for, but I am sure you can all guess that it was for, what else, gay sex.

Basic premise, a 40 year old cop, Kevin Walters, arranged to meet 19yo Scheida at 1:30am in a School parking lot. He was attacked by a 17yo friend of Scheida, and shot him.

The funniest thing isn't the fact that the Chief of Police is a gay chickenhawk, but that the newspaper article is trying to hide that fact so hardcore.

Best quote of the article:

"Lawrence Walters said he didn't know that his son had arranged to meet Schieda."

Um yeah, Hi Dad. I am going to go meet up with somebody old enough to be my son for sexual purposes. Oh, and did I mention he's a boy. Yeah, so I know you're 60, but I feel this uncontrollable urge to tell you all about my sex life.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

I want to move to Ohio

If you know anybody who lives in Ohio, tell them to vote Springer.


Racial Differences?

So, I'm apparently not indeifiable with the Hispanic/Mexican culture. Yeah, right. I can relate to movies like Amores Perros and shit like that. Reminded me of my family. Always want what you can't have too.

There are cartoons in the study I took. One had a fish swimming to the left. I think he was silver or black or something the first time. Then a school of fish followed of the same exact color. Then it asked why was the first fish was seperated. I said leadership. They changed the color to blue. I thought that the fish were rather sad now, so I lowed my ratings of them. Then multi-colored fish. The leader fish was purple-pink. I was like, purple-pink?! He's definately oblivious to the other fish this time. No ostracization.


And today the BAMN people were back. Poster had the sign: "Boycott Anti-Affirmative Action Supporters." HRM. Soon I am so going to have the anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-rally rally. It'll be fun, Come Join.

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Child Molesters

So, 8 year old molesters are now occuring. This kid is molesting 7 year old girls, then thereatening their lives if they told, while watching Mary Poppins. I am so disturbingly amused.


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