Friday, August 13, 2004

A big-fat brown-stained middle finger

Fuck you Governor McGreevy. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. For shame, ex-Governor McGreevy. A democrat, against gay marriage, has had an extra-marital affair with a man. He also nationally came out in a highly remarkable speech which simultaneously illuminates what is wrong with homophobic America and confirms homophobic America's greatest fears. It was a disgusting and selfish speech, publicly spewing what should have been kept private.

First, affairs do not affect the government, the way the government functions, nor anything else regarding the government. Contrary to what the Republican believe, sex is not something to be ashamed of. Sexuality is not something to be ashamed of. Having an illicit affair is to be shameful only in private, while in public nobody's the wiser. The problem with America is, as Europtrip puts it, that it is a prudish nation.

Second, homosexuality is not something to be ashamed of. Being gay should not give the other side fodder for bashing you. You are gay, so go with it. If you decide to come out during your SECOND marriage with your SECOND daughter, you might not be completely gay, maybe a bit more on the bi side, don't you think? But, we live in a world of extremes, and if you don't fulfill one side, of course its going to come out as full blown gay. But, that's getting off the subject, since when did homosexuality affect anybody's ability to work? Or to do good work, for that matter?

Third, gays do not need more hetero-acting people getting caught in illicit gay affairs. It doesn't help the community one bit. It allows the homophobes of America to say, "Hey! The Gays are corrupting America. Look at these family men who were once straight and have now been co-opted by the faggot agenda!" Don't tell me I'm exaggerating much either. Can't people just admit they're gay without having affairs? Especially ones that could go into sexual harassment suits?

In the end, Governor McGreevy is an asshole. Being against gay marriage while you're on your second straight marriage, but really you're just showboating for your latent homosexual repression, is not cool. Especially if you're a democrat on top of it. You don't support your community, and I believe the community should not support you. Fuck you, and fuck your speech. Go fuck yourself.

P.S. And you couldn't even fuck a cute guy on the side?? You're a disgrace.

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