Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Swinging good time

So, unofficially, the results from yesterday's election is in. We have 15 Representatives in Congress for Michigan. Of those 15, 8 elected were democrats and 7 were republicans. Sadly, Thaddeus McCotter was re-elected in my district. This means that I need to get a group in my county willing to flood the McCotter office with letters saying how bad he is, and what we think he needs to change.

This is the justification I have been looking for as to why Michigan is considered a swing state. We had elected Gore in 2000 by 200,000 votes, and we had a semi-strong Nader following here too. Since I have been following politics, we have been a Democrat state, voting Clinton both times, Gore, and I imagine Kerry has a strong following around here. Previously, we apparently had elected Republican since 1972.

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