Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right

John Kerry was giving a speech today at some university. CNN cut in for his speech on oil and energy. He said, in two consecutive sentences, "drilling is not the answer. I will not allow soldiers to be captured and tortured because of our oil dependence on my watch." Or something to that effect. No transitional sentence, making the second part a non sequitar. He further goes on to explain that he will create 500,000 jobs in the U.S. by requiring that 20% (ooo, 20% is alot) of our energy will not depend on oil by the year 2020. *sigh* We all know that more people working toward a single goal will always decrease the research and development time, right? *crickets chirping* Well, the liberal arts students tend to think so, given the whole 100,000 monkeys chained to keyboard mentality.

Bush, in the recent annual dinner joked with the press about his ability to make mistakes. He started looking for something and made the comment, "those weapons of mass destruction. They have to be somewhere around here." Now, I find this to be in extremely poor taste, and thus extremely hilarious. NRO and the rest of the conservatives can convince themselves otherwise, as in the recent NRO article which states: "President Bush was mocking himself and his current political predicament regarding WMDs, and the joke works because he clearly believes he's doing the right thing." *sigh*

If only a somebody who doesn't belong to either party, and believes that big government is bad would come along. I'd be so much happier.

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