Friday, March 19, 2004

Slapping Down the Morons

So, while pointing out obvious fallacies in some of L's readers arguments in This post, I came upon a revelation which I find quite amusing.

Some twit commented:
LOTR is about good vs. evil, it's so clear. Then the 2nd pic was The Two Towers. How prophetic is that?

Liberals can't claim LOTR because it's a WAR movie, it's a movie where you have to go to WAR in order to save the world.

So, let's see here...parallels. Hrm. The Two Towers belong to the bad guys. The people attacking the two towers are the good guys. The people attacking the two towers (aka the good guys) are sacrificing their own men, and not manufacturing weapons of mass destruction. The people in the towers are making weapons of mass destruction (the US makes missiles and other sorts of massive weaponry), and are the bad guys. They also attack the good guys on the good guys' turf. And, how can I forget, just as Sauron needed the trees to make his army of Orcs, the US needs oil from the Middle East (including Iraq) to manufacture and use our weaponry.

If the book was really prophetic, the US will crumble under the attack waged by the Iraqis.

I'm sure this has been thought of before, but I don't remember reading it elsewhere. If somebody can come across an article which might have stuck in the back of my mind, I'd gladly give over claim to this idea, but I think I did it on my own.

OKOK, so if the Americans are really the good guys, and LOTR was really a parallel (nevermind that The Two Towers belonged to the enemy [nitwit]):

The good guys declared war to save the world AFTER being repeatedly attacked on their own turf. Now, I can see attacking Al-Qaeda for this...but I haven't seen any Iraqi missiles flying over our heads in the good ol' U S of A.

Just some points to ponder.

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