Friday, March 19, 2004

A biased opinion on a biased opinion on a biased opinion

Jeez, one could get lost in this title.

National Review has reported that BuzzCharts has released a Misery Chart index again. For those of you who don't know, the misery index is the chart which measures the unemployment rate with the inflation rate.

NRO has decided that because Dubya's Misery index is 7.6, which is 71% of Old Bush's Misery index, he can't be all that bad. Its a mere 71%. They cite Clinton's first term index of 8.8 as evidence of this.

Now, let's look at this clearly. Old Bush had a misery index of 10.7. WWII wasn't that bad with a 9.5. The Clinton economy had to reverse what Old Bush did, and so got the 8.8 was on its way to a 6.8 for his second term. Which was an average. Bush was handed less than a 6.8 misery index in the economy, and what happens? In less than four years, he brings us back to a 7.6, a .8 jump. Almost halfway back to the difference between Clinton's first and second terms.

NRO says that the economy is picking back up. If that's so, why are people all around still worried about their job security? Why are people still getting laid off and working at gas stations because there aren't many place to go?

I'm waiting to see what would happen if he did win again...


And, in other National Review news,

John Derbyshire is (not-jokingly it seems) calling for an end to Congress. YAY for giving the states no voice...oh...wait.

However, I do want to make Government smaller (like it was before the Depression), but...alas. To do that would take a miracle and an abolishment of the left-wingers as well as the right. The left want all sorts of crappy programs for the poor. The right are creating all sorts of expensive programs for the poor (Medicare, No Child Left Behind, etc). Where are all the people who want the government to back the fuck off?? That's what I want to know.

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