Sunday, November 23, 2003

A ban

I want to ban Asian immigrants, transfers, green carders, whatever, from getting driver's licenses. I know that this is racist, but in Ann Arbor, and even elsewhere, this is a major epidemic of danger. On Friday, in AA, there was a major queue of people stopped for a stop sign. A lady in the middle of the line went fast enough to actually crumple the hood of her compact car because she hit the SUV in front of her so hard. It takes some mad skills to accelerate that quickly in line at a stop sign. I looked over, and sure enough, it was an Asian woman.

And, everybody on North Campus knows that a good 75% of all accidents have Asian drivers, especially Asian women. And, outside of AA, I have seen horrible things a good 50% of which included Asians. They drift in lanes, go slower than the flow of traffic, do unexpected things, pull out at inappropriate times, delay too long, etc. Its really a dangerous epidemic.

I'm not trying to be racist, it can't be racist if it is true.

Monday, November 17, 2003

Ann Arbor Idealism

Is there something wrog with idealism? You bet your sweet ass there is. It doesn't take into account people's follies, greed, or downfalls. It also doesn't take into account the state and finances of the locals.


SOLE is boycotting the return of Toxic Hell (aka Taco Bell) to campus, namely Pierpont Commons. Toxic Hell is the cheapest place to get bad Mexican food, including the numerous overpriced bad Mexican places that pepper Ann Arbor's campus (Tios, Panchero's, that cali-mex place, etc). Apparently the way they are so cheap is because they pay the workers who pick their tomatoes 40 cents per 32-lb bucket. According to SOLE's e-mail this number hasn't changed in 20 years, and is close to slave labor rates. The debate, however, is do we want McDonald's, actually the worst McDonald's I have ever seen (it takes 30 minutes to get food, fast food indeed), to remain as the only place besides the evil cafeteria on North Campus for not-so-decent food? Or, do we bite the bullet and get Toxic Hell (hopefully one of those cool Toxic Hell/Pizza Hut Express places) which will be faster, more efficient, and a damn sight cheaper (better for student pockets) than McDonald's? I think the TB/PHE combo is better, damn you SOLE.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Work, Strikes, and other Oddness

Yay for last day of work for the week. Yay for my edition of the weekend, Thursday/Friday.

So, apparently the Ann Arbor store is striking (must be a lack of political movements over there). This strikes the majority of the Novi store as really really odd. Novi realizes that AA is full of slackers and people who just can't seem to leave their college life, clinging to the last vestige of youth that they can handle as they age well past their prime, preventing college kids from getting appropriate jobs that they deserve, but we, at Novi, still believe that making a living as a book seller is rather, shall we say...loserish. Its like saying, "Hi, I want to make $20,000/yr working at a video store...and not as supervisor or manager."

The above paragraph is confirmed by this statement on the Protest Website: "After working at Borders for 18 years..." 18 freaking years. Jebus. Move on. Go become a manager somewhere. Get promoted. He must be some sort of bored slacker complainer type person.

I mean, fuck, we get a discount on everything, full timers get health and dental benefits, full timers get G.C.s for the store, the conditions aren't all that bad (unless you count the paranoia of employee shrinkage or the mandatory 1 hour unpaid break as bad), and the job is rather easy on the brain and the body. Its not rocket science me, I know. :-) This is meant to be a bridge job, not a permanent one.

To keep AA campus Borders functioning, they are recruiting workers from other stores, so I volunteered to go over there. Because I am rather new (3 weeks), I may not be able to, but we'll see. I think that a Border's union sucks since I'd have to pay dues. A few others agree with me. I'll be a strikebreaker, a scab, a bad person in the eyes of the liberal Ann Arborites. But, fuck, its AA, one of my favorite towns. Not that I'd ever work there permanently, I love working 10 minutes away from home, but it'd be fun for a week or two (how long they expect the strike to go on for).

In similar news, apparently it may be even less time before I move to DVDs, as they are expanding the DVD selection and moving it somewhere in the store. I will find out where, but when they're done, I will be part of the increase in size. YAY. I get to flex my vast cinematic knowledge. Now, if only they'd let me rent the obscure DVDs before I bought or recommended them.

In unrelated news, but really odd, I am finally in support of the Bush administration for something. Protection From Pornography week was last week. However, the SF Gate (a liberal mag) decided not to read the official release as they have a complete condemnation in their article. They think that the week is a protection from everybody from all forms of pornography. Instead, reading the statement, it is protecting children from child pornography and protecting them from viewing it especially without parental supervision. But, no, as liberals, they must denounce everything Bush. *sigh*

I'm becoming more and more conservative. Ugh. But, you see the silliness that these liberals are coming up with? Jeez.

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