Thursday, September 18, 2003

Used as a verb

Sorry about the title, its an allusion to a movie (and the title of one of its DVD chapters) but has nothing to do with this post.

So, going of a stupid Quizilla quiz from a friend, the topic becomes gay as a non-sexual personality trait. No, I didn't take the How to Be Gay class. I feared the big cinematic/broadway musicals of old that they may have shown despite the fact that modern musicals and some ironic ones of past are good. And, therein lies the challenge.

As a bisexual, with the exception of the gothy-trend of gender fucking (I wear a full length skirt on occasion...I need boots to go with it), I wonder just how gay, personality-wise, I act. And, no I'm not talking about when I have a guys hardon anywhere near my vicinity, I'm talking every day life. I get a kick out of gay-bashing jokes, but then I also get a kick out of racist humor, and am quite racist to all races myself (especially those damn spics). I can identify misogynistic humor, and used to like The Man Show for its bashing of men as being stupid and one-minded. Well, I guess this just points out I'm not P.C.

But, then I'm getting off subject. What is gay as a personality trait? Does it exist? I know there are exceptions to the rule and I'm not talking closets people. Is a marked lack of masculine (read: stereotypically guy) traits a part of gay personality? Is it the way you move or speak? Is it what you say? Is it how graphic you are and how?


Saturday, September 13, 2003

Is It Tomorrow Yet?

Is contempt a legitimate feeling for this whole 9/11 anniversary thing? And, I don't mean contempt for terrorism or anybody outside of the country, but contempt at our government and society. Contempt at the complete commercialization, use, and abuse that several people have given to the date. Last Sunday I went to the Livonia flea market thingy, and there was a guy who had a whole 9/11 stand with 9/11 American flags (with the date and NYC cityscape replacing the stars) and various WTC things. Now, with the flag, has the nation turned into a singular 9/11 state because of the bombing? Are we now something like what the U.S.S.R. used to be? *sigh* Contempt for Dubya for his use and abuse of power granted to him by a grief-stricken and over-reactive society that decided he was handling the tragedy well in his first few months, turning his Presidency from one of trash to one of gold in the space of 48 hours. Contempt at society for allowing things to go so far. Contempt at the Ann Arbor (Liberty Street) National City branch which had "We Remember 9/11" in festive cardboard birthday letters. Contempt at the numerous WTC enhanced videos. Has anything good come out of this, except for the revoking of several of our rights and legitimized airport harassment that seems to prevail and be justified by most of the naive public? Oh wait, I was supposed to be listing the good things, wasn't I? OK, well, how about the nation banding together in grief to allow everything commodified, commercialized, and abused to happen? Oh, wait, I did it again. Whatever... Is it tomorrow yet?

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