Wednesday, February 09, 2005

High Crimes

Medicare has continuously skyrocketed. Since its passing, it has done nothing but increase in cost. Now, its riveling any of the bills which the liberals ever suggested, costing $720 billion.

Yes, folks, the once estimated less than $400 billion which was given to Congress when the bill passed.

December 8, 2003: Medicare Bill passed with cost estimate of $395 billion
January 31, 2004: Medicare Bill estimates rise to $520 billion.
February 9, 2005: Medicare Bill estimaes rise yet again to $720 billion.

We are only $70 billion short of being double the original estimate signed on the bill. There was no cost cap, so we have to live with it, currently (until it is successfully challenged).

In the meantime, I don't believe there ever was an investigation into the big scandal regarding the 2004 re-estimate, where a White House employee testified that he had provided estimates of 25-50% higher than the original bill called for, but was threatened into not revealing the estimates.

Let's go impeaching.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Power Hour

Thanks to Dan, we have statistics for the State of the Union drinking game

If the game had been played, this is how many times we would have had to drink in approximately an hour:
21 - "freedom"
7 - "liberty"
3 - "justice"
7 - "democracy"
1 - "God" (really surprised at how low this one is)
2 - "Saddam"
3 - "election"
23 - "terror"/"terrorist"
2 - "tax relief"
1 - "Activist Judges"

plus 6 for 3 mentions of "war on terror."

And, lastly, a double shot of 151 for one mention of "imperial communism."

Grand total: 76 drinks.

Playing at 1 oz per drink, that would be just over 6 beers and a double of 151.
Playing at 2oz per drink, thats 152 oz, that would be almost 13 beers and a double shot.

All within an hour.

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